Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Making it up as I go along

I have decided I hate it when you have to scroll to the bottom of the page to find the ingredients for a recipe so I will now stop putting the ingredient list at the bottom of my blogs.


8 burger patties
1 bunch of lettuce
1 sweet potato
A whole lot of brussels sprouts (I don't really know how many)
As much bacon as you like
Some coconut oil (or olive oil works too)

The gym where I worked celebrated their fifth anniversary on Saturday. Yay CSC! What's even better than five great years is free food!! We had a ton of extra brussels sprouts and burgers that had already been defrosted...meaning they had to be cooked in the next 45 minutes. 

Outdoor grilling is forbidden at my apartment. Wooden stairs and large flames have been deemed hazardous. So I really didn't know what I was going to do with 8 burgers, but when free food is offered Anna always accepts. 

I ended up throwing them in the oven because every time I try to cook burgers on the stove I end up setting off the fire alarms. While those were cooking I started chopping up sweet potatoes. At first I tried to imitate this recipe, but it was difficult and tedious so I just sliced them with my mandolin. Much easier. After sautéing them in coconut oil I started in on the bacon and brussels sprouts. 

The brussels sprouts were already cooked so I just had to heat them up. I went ahead and put them in the pan with the bacon because bacon makes brussels sprouts taste better. A lot better. 

The finished product was delightful! A bacon, sweet potato, lettuce wrap with brussels sprouts on the side.

Yay for free food and improvisation! 

Friday, March 13, 2015

But You're Not Fat...

So I have explained a little bit about what I eat and how I eat it, but I haven't really explained why (and to be honest I could use a reminder myself). 

An easy answer to why I avoid processed sugars, gluten, and dairy (for the most part) would be that I want to look good, but that wouldn't be entirely true. Eating healthy, for me, is about treating my body with respect. It's not about a number on a scale or on the tag of my jeans, it's about putting good things into my body. 

But I'm not a slave to diet and exercise. I'm also 21 and if I want to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's half baked on a Saturday night while watching Parks and Rec then I'm going to eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's half baked on a Saturday night while watching Park and Rec, damn it

. It's about finding a balance between enjoying life and treating yourself right. For me, I eat healthy 90% of the time so that I can eat that pint of Ben and Jerry's or that entire Shakespeare's Pizza without guilt. 

It doesn't mean saying yes all the time though. I say no more often times than not. Often times after I decline ice cream or tell my friend I have to go to bed because I have an early workout in the morning, they will say something to the effect of "Why? You're not fat!" but that's not the point. 

If my paramount concern in life was whether or not I was skinny I would be wasting my life. In the words of the great J.K. Rowling "Is "fat" really the worst thing a human being can be? Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow', 'vain', or 'cruel'. Not to me." 

So in short I eat healthy because I love myself. It sounds corny, but my choice to eat kale for breakfast is because I respect my body and what it needs to thrive. But by loving myself I allow myself the freedom to eat cake at my brother's wedding and wine at Christmas. And most of all I try to improve the things that actually reflect on what really makes me me. My character. I try to be happy, make other people happy, and respect other people because, at the end of the day, nobody is going to care what size jeans I wear.